Marcia Grant is a special education teacher; she has been teaching mostly at the elementary level for the past seventeen years. She currently works at a public charter school in the District of Columbia.
A Jamaican by birth, she enjoys cooking ethnic dishes and spending quiet time at home.
She dreams of traveling the world as a motivational speaker, but most importantly she hopes that one day she will nestle in the perfect will of God and find everlasting joy and marvelous rest for her soul.
In her dreams, she is an accomplished author at the top of her game, but in reality she is a "struggling author." Her work is as flawed as she is! She was never able to pay top dollar and produce masterpieces, but she is happy for the authenticity of her writing. She is most honest when she speaks to God (prayers) and when she writes. At both times she is bare. Whether her soul is filled with joy or she is broken; only then is she rendered naked by truth.Teaching
Teaching was never her ideal job; but God knew that children needed her, and she needed them more. Her life has been touched and her heart forever changed by the lessons learned from children. They have been master teachers and nightly she prays that she has made a difference in even one child's life. Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18: 3Speaking
She believes that God has given her the "gift of gab." What an irony, because when she was much younger she was a relatively quiet child. She thinks she has found her voice, but prays that her words will ever be filled with grace (Colossians 4: 6). Her personal prayer is that God will use her at every speaking engagement to be a skilled orator for His glory.Loving
She loves her family, her friends, and now truly loves herself, but is daily learning to love God sincerely. The funny thing about loving God is that He requires you to love others. Others! She demonstrates God's love as she surrenders to His will to love and serve others. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4: 11 See also 1 Corinthians 13: 13, Philippians 2: 3-4, 1 John 4: 19-21, Matthew 5: 43-48, and John 13: 34.This is a daily devotional book for women written by a woman. However, this is also a book that men can read and find very insightful and refreshing. Although the author is not world-renowned, her writing is based on her spiritual experiences and calls on the life lessons of her family and friends.
Similar to an anthology, this book is a combination of bible stories and human experiences; this is an authentic piece of work that will garner positive feedback.
Give this book as a gift to a friend and they will certainly thank you for it.
Describe this devotional book?
This devotional book was written in eight months. It is and will always be the work of God; I am just His servant. This book has blessed my life profoundly and has given inspiration to so many. I truly believe that this book rekindled a childhood passion for writing and allowed me to see that with God dreams can truly come true.
Why should women or men support you and buy a copy?
Every person that has read the daily readings is inspired by the written word. The written word is so palpable and powerful. Please give this devotional a chance to bless your life; coupled with the Bible and a constant prayer life, this devotional book has the ability to steady your gait and strengthen your faith.
Author Allesley Officer has had just one wish her entire life—to be loved. Even
though she has always known the Creator of the universe cared for her, she never
truly understood the depth of His love until her life became a suicidal travesty.
Officer begins her memoir by candidly detailing her life as a young girl growing up in the inner-city of Kingston, Jamaica. Born to a twenty-one-year-old unwed mother of two other children, Officer's journey was often difficult as she was shuttled back and forth between her mother and father's homes. Repeatedly molested by first a stepsister and then a family friend, Officer relays how she finally told her father—and was shocked when he did nothing. As she shares the details of her lifelong battle with suicidal thoughts and images fueled by years of sexual abuse, low self-esteem, and self-loathing, she also provides hope to others by illustrating how she was eventually able to rise above life's challenges and learn to love herself once again.
Telling My Story: The Journey of a Ghetto Girl shares one woman's poignant journey of survival that will remind women everywhere to never forget their inner beauty, no matter how difficult life becomes.
*For interviews, speaking appointments, etc., email Marcia Grant at Otherwise, fill out the form below and she will respond as quickly as possible.